Saturday 21 July 2012

‘The Dark Knight Rises’ Movie Review:

‘The Dark Knight Rises’ Movie Review: I have all ways been a huge fan of Batman, he is a super hero without a super power, he is a man who is slowly but surely going insane but still protecting the civilians who will never know who he is and no one will ever thank him for his heroic actions. But now on with the review, eight year have passed since the Batman (Christian Bale) had supposedly killed Harvey Dent (AKA Two Face) and disappeared, Bruce Wayne is now a recluse who hides away in Wayne Manor. Then after a series of unfortunate events the Batman is forced to come out of hiding to fight off the masked terrorist Bane (Tom Hardy) and to investigate the illusive cat burglar Selina Kyle (Anne Hathaway). That’s only the very basic premise of the story, because this film plot will have a lot of spoilers if I went into any more detail!

      It had cost £250 million to make, which is a lot of money, and you can really understand this, (based on the themes on a whole of the trilogy, such as fear, chaos and pain) ‘Batman Begins’ was a horror film, ‘The Dark Knight’ was a crime film and ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ is a war film. The director (Christopher Nolan) really tried to keep the synthesised visual effects on the down low, such as the Bat – Batman’s flying vehicle – was attached be ropes, hung from a helicopter and flown over the city! The huge battle scenes were simple as that, huge! The outstanding enormity of the film is incredible, from the length, 3 hours; the time difference in the film, nearly a year; and the frighteningly ambitious action sequences, which was really helped by the awesome cinematography by Wally Pfister and truly smashing directing by Christopher Nolan!

      The acting in the movie was astonishingly good, Christian Bale really dragged me into the film this is the best acting I have ever seen him do, and Michael Caine (Alfred Pennyworth) nearly had me in tears by the end! Tom Hardy was very talented at putting across the rage and pure hated of Bane just via his eyes as half his face is coved by a mask, Anne Hathaway nearly stole the show with her realistic struggled and choices. I have to give a mention to Joseph Gordon-Levitt who played Det. John Blake who starts off as a simple cop who character when though an amazing change by the end of the film, Marion Cotillard is also a magnificent actress who’s twist had me shocked, I evened whispered ‘Oh my god...’ under my breath, that definitely one for the comic book fans!

      But now to the reason that I’m not giving this movie ten out of ten like ‘The Dark Knight’, the story is very captivating up until the half way mark, where in there is approximately twenty minutes of Bruce Wayne’s story that becomes very predictable and cliché, but after that slightly annoying story is over then it is back to the dark and interesting story. There is also another reason that this film was not the perfection it was so close to being but relieving it would be completely spoiling the ending but all I will say is this: The real last twist at the end was disappointing as it cottoned out at the final second from being the hugely fantastic film is was so close to being. But the best part of the film was, surprising, the sound design by Richard King and music by Hans Zimmer it had me on the edge of my seat!

      So in conclusion Christopher Nolan has given us an emotional and beautiful superhero film. It is dark and fitting, there were some amazing scenes and so fascinating lines that really made me think. I would give it a 9 out of 10.  

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