Tuesday 24 July 2012

‘Cowboys & Aliens’ Movie Review

‘Cowboys & Aliens’ Movie Review: Some films try too hard to be too much; this is one of those films. Sometimes two different genres are just not meant to mix, science fiction and Weston. The first half an hour of this film is the best bit, when a man (Daniel Craig) wakes up in the middle of the desert with only a picture of a woman, a strange iron shackle on his wrist and the clothes on his back, he also has no memory of anything that came before in his life, he then gets in a to a fight with a few men and makes his way to the small mining town, Absolution. From there it has a few of the old Weston clichés which are still fun to watch but soon enough it is found out Jake Lonergan who has committed murder and robbery. Just as he is about to be whipped away to jail, aliens come and blow up the town. From here on out the characters you have been introduced to will not develop in any way.

      There I have said it, my main annoyance with the film; the characters do not interest me at all. The over used story of the man who has forgotten everything and has to work to get it back, the mysterious girl (Ella Swenson played by Olivia Wilde) who seems to know more than anyone else and the grumpy leader who will not trust anyone (Colonel Woodrow Dolarhyde played by Harrison Ford). The acting is great but the actors are not given anything emotional to do with their roles. But the story of the aliens is not explained at all either. Sometimes they will be able to be stabbed, other times they cannot, sometimes they can be killed with a gun, and other times they cannot. The ending did not make any sense at all and Swenson was ever explained! Don’t get me wrong I love a good ambiguous ending (I adore Inception) but this really took it too far.

      The most amazing thing about the film though was the awesome CGI on the aliens; they looked very realistic and scary. The Weston setting was entertaining, with authentic costumes, props and shocking scenery. There were a few jump scares but other than that I never felt any emotion during the film due mainly to poor scripting. I was never rooting for the characters or laughing at the cowboy banter. 4 out of 10.

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